"..This is an image of the Orion Nebula - a star forming region in the Orion constellation (Kalpurush/কালপুরুষ in Bangla) as seen from my balcony in New Jersey on 25th December 2013 between 1 and 3 a.m in the south western sky.
The nebula is more than 1,400 light years from earth. So the light captured here has been travelling for 1,400 years.To put it in perspective, the light started near the end of the Gupta Empire in India and landed on my camera sensor on Christmas of 2013). "
Thus began my email I wrote to a friend in 2013. It was the day after I had made my first deep sky photo using only a camera, a tripod and a computer (yes, no telescope). He was a friend from my undergraduate days, now a professor in the UK and shared some of my excitement. The email continued ...