Thursday, September 19, 2019

80,000 star "sunset" from ten thousand years ago

Updated view 10 months after first shot from my front porch on July 12, 2020.
Ever seen 80,000 suns set at once?
M22 Globular cluster, estimated to have 80,000 stars in the system hangs over the southern skies in the constellation of Sagittarius, poised to "set" below the horizon in about three hours.

This is light from ten thousand years ago, when in northern Mesopotamia, now northern Iraq, cultivation of barley had just started. World population is estimated to have been between 1 and 10 million at the time, slightly more than New York city and less than any of the top 10 most populous cities in the world today.

M22 also happens to be the first known globular cluster cluster discovered by a German astronomer over 350 years ago.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The silent bell

This is a single shot, post processed image of the Dumbbell nebula. Single shot is easy to capture. However not so easy on the post processing. PP approach is a 2 layer processing of the star field background and dumb bell nebula itself separately to bring out the reds and greens in the nebula while losing the noise.  The original picture below gives a sense of the difference post processing can make.

Lord of the rings

Sep 17, 2019;

Canon 70D: 1/13 s; ISO 1600
Single shot through a Celestron 127 SLT Maksutov- Cassegrain at prime focus